ILOs for 4th year

Ear, Nose and Throat Department

Cairo University

Intended Learning Objectives ILO’s

I-                 The Ear:

–         Describe the structure of the ear (external, middle,inner ear)

–         Discuss the function of the ear (hearing, equilibrium)

–         List symptoms of ear diseases

–         Describe methods of ear examination

–         List congenital diseases of the external ear

–         Outline management of congenital meatal atresia

–         Classify causes of external ear trauma

–         Outline management of external ear trauma

–         Classify otitis externa

–         Describe clinical presentations of otitis externa

–         Outline presentation and management of malignant otitis externa

–         List indications and contraindications of ear wash

–         Describe the technique of ear wash

–         Discuss complications of ear wash

–         Describe pathogenesis of acute otitis media

–         Discuss clinical presentation of acute otitis media

–         Outline management of acute otitis media

–         Tell the difference between acute otitis media in adults and infants

–         List causes of secretory otitis media

–         Describe clinical picture of secretory otitis media

–         Outline  management of secretory otitis media

–         Discuss different types of chronic non suppurative otitis media

–         Define chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM)

–         Classify CSOM

–         List causes of safe CSOM

–         Describe clinical picture of safe CSOM

–         Outline management of safe  CSOM

–         Define cholesteatoma

–         Discuss cholesteatoma formation

–         Describe clinical picture of cholesteatoma

–         Ouline management of cholesteatoma

–         Classify complications of CSOM

–         Discuss clinical picture of CSOM complications

–         Outline management of CSOM complications

–         Classify causes of  ear trauma

–         Describe clinical picture of common  ear trauma ( rupture drum,

  • otitic barotrauma and fracture base of skull)

–         Outline management of  common ear trauma

–         Define glomus tumour

–         Discuss clinical presentation of glomus tumour

–         Outline management of glomus tumour

–         Classify types of otosclerosis

–         Describe clinical picture of otoclerosis

–         Outline management of otosclerosis

–         Define Meniere’s disease and discuss it’s pathogenesis

–         Describe clinical picture and  management of Meniere’s disease

–         Define acoustic neuroma

–         Describe clinical picture and management  of acoustic neuroma

–         List ototoxic drugs

–         Define deaf mutism

–         Discuss management of deaf mutism

–         Describe anatomy of the facial nerve

–         Discuss  causes of facial nerve palsy

–         Describe clinical presentation of facial nerve paralysis

–         Describe evaluation of a case of facial paralysis

–         Outline management of facial nerve paralysis

–         Discuss different causes of : vertigo, hearing loss, otalgia, tinnitus , nystagmus and ear discharge

–         Interpret basic audiology

–         Discuss hearing rehabilitation

–         Define myringotomy, cortical and radical mastoidectomy,

 tympanoplasty and stapedectomy

–         List indications of  myringotomy, cortical and radical mastoidectomy

tympanoplasty and stapedectomy

–         List contraindications of stapedectomy

II-             The Nose:

–         Describe anatomy of the nose and paranasal sinuses

–         Discuss the function of the nose

–         List symptoms of nasal diseases

–         Describe methods of nasal examination

–         Recognize cause and types of choanal atresia

–         Discuss clinical picture and management of choanal atresia

–         List causes of fracture nose

–         Describe signs and symptoms of nasal fracture

–         Outline management of fracture nasal bones

–         Describe clinical picture of foreign body in the nose

–         List complications of foreign body in the nose

–         Discuss management of foreign body in the nose

–         Define oro-antral fistula

–         List causes of oro-antral fistula

–         Discuss clinical picture and management of oro-antal fistula

–         Define CSF rhinorrhea

–         List causes of CSF rhinorrhea

–         Discuss clinical picture of CSF rhinorrhea

–         Outline management of CSF rhinorrhea

–         Classify rhinitis

–         Define furunculosis

–         List causes of furunculosis

–         Describe clinical picture of furunculosis

–         Discuss  management of furunculosis

–         List pathogenesis of common cold

–         Describe signs and symptoms of common cold

–         Discuss management of common cold

–         List causes of atrophic rhinitis

–         Describe clinical picture of atrophic rhinitis

–         Outline management of atrophic rhinitis

–         Discuss types of granulomas of the nose

–         Define rhinoscleroma

–         Recognize stages of rhinoscleroma

–         Describe pathology of rhinoscleroma

–         Outline management of rhinoscleroma

–         Discuss types of nasal fungal rhinosinusitis

–         List types of septal deviation

–         Describe clinical presentation of septal deviation

–         Outline management of septal deviation

–         Define septal haematoma and abscess

–         List causes of septal haematoma and abscess

–         Describe clinical picture and management of septal haematoma and abscess

–         List causes of septal perforation

–         Define sinusitis

–         List types of sinusitis

–         Discuss pathogenesis of sinusitis

–         Describe clinical presentation of sinusitis

–         Outline management of sinusitis

–         Identify indications and contraindications of nasal endoscopy

–         List complications of sinusitis

–         Discuss clinical picture of complications of sinusitis

–         Outline management of complications of sinusitis

–         Define allergic rhinitis

–         Discuss types, causes and pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis

–         Describe clinical presentatioin of allergic rhinitis

–         Outline management of allergic rhinitis

–         Discuss types of nasal polypi

–         Classify tumours of the nose and paranasal sinuses

–         Discuss pathology of nasal and paranasal sinus neoplasm

–         Discuss the clinical picture of nasal and paranasal  sinus tumours

–         Outline the management of nasal and paranasal sinus tumours

–         Discuss different causes of nasal obstruction, discharge, headache ,

loss of smell, and proptosis

–         List effects of mouth breathing

–         Define epistaxis

–         List causes of epistaxis

–         Discuss management of epistaxis


III-         Head and Neck Surgery:  

–         Recognize anatomy of the pharynx

–         Identify physiology of the pharynx

–         List symptoms of pharyngeal diseases

–         Describe methods of pharyngeal examination

–         Classify diseases of the pharynx

–         Define adenoid

–         Discuss clinical picture and management of adenoid

–         Classify tonsillitis

–         Identify causes of acute tonsillitis

–         Describe clinical picture of acute tonsillitis

–         List complications of acute tonsillitis

–         Discuss management of acute tonsillitis

–         Describe clinical picture of chronic tonsillitis

–         Recognize septic focus

–         Describe management of chronic tonsillitis

–         Recognize pathogenesis of diphtheria

–         Describe clinical picture and complications of diphtheria

–         Differentiate between acute tonsillitis, diphtheria, Vincent’s angina, moniliasis, infectious mononucleosis and agranulocytosis

–         Discuss management of diphtheria

–         Define Plummer-Vinson’s syndrome

–         Recognize pathology of Plummer-Vinson’s syndrome

–         Identify clinical picture of Plummer Vinson’s syndrome

–         Describe management of Plummer-Vinson’s syndrome

–         List causes of pharyngeal ulcers

–         Define quinsy

–         List clinical presentation and complications  of quinsy

–         Discuss management of quinsy

–         Discuss the most common pharyngeal suppuration

(Ludwig’s angina, parapharyngeal abscess, acute and chronic retropharyngeal abscess)

–         Identify causes and pathology of angiofibroma

–         Describe signs and symptoms of angiofibroma

–         Recognize pathogenesis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

–         Describe clinical presentation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

–         Discuss management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

–         Discuss presentation and management of cancer oropharynx

–         Recognize pathology of hypopharygeal carcinoma

–         Describe clinical picture of hypopharyngeal carcinoma

–         Discuss management of cancer hypopharynx

–         List silent areas in the head and neck

–         Define occult primary

–         Discuss management of  a case of occult primary

–         Define pharyngeal pouch

–         Identify causes of pharyngeal pouch

–         Describe clinical picture and management of pharyngel pouch

–         Define snoring and apnea

–         Recognize types and grades of sleep apnea

–         List causes of apnea

–         Discuss clinical picture, complications and  management of sleep apnea

–         Tell  indications and contraindications of tonsillectomy

–         Describe preparation and technique of tonsillectomy

–         Discuss post-operative care and complications of tonsillectomy

–         List indications  and contraindications of adenoidectomy

–         Outline management of complications of adenoidectomy

–         Describe anatomy of the oesophagus

–         List types and site of impaction of foreign body (FB) in the oesophagus

–         List presentation of FB in the oesophagus

–         Discuss management of FB in the oesophagus

–         Recognize causes of corrosive oesophagitis

–         Classify stages of corrosive oesophagitis

–         Describe management of corrosive oesophagitis

–         Define achalasia of the cardia

–         Recognize causes of achalasia of the cardia

–         Describe clinical picture of achalasia of the cardia

–         Outline management of achalasia of the cardia

–         Define gastro-oesophageal reflux disease(GERD)

–         List causes of GERD

–         Describe clinical picture and management of GERD

–         Discuss indications, contraindications and complications of  oesophagoscopy

–         Define dysphagia

–         List causes of dysphagia

–         Describe anatomy of the larynx

–         Mention functions  of the larynx

–         List symptoms of laryngeal diseases

–         Recognize methods of laryngeal examination

–         Discuss commonest congenital anomalies of the larynx

(laryngomalacia, web, stenosis, cyst, haemangioma)

–         Classify laryngeal trauma

–         List causes of laryngeal trauma

–         Describe presentation of laryngeal trauma

–         Outline management of laryngeal trauma

–         Identify types and sites of impaction of inaled FB

–         Recognize stages and  treatment of FB inhalation

–         Classify laryngitis

–         Describe clinical picture of acute laryngitis

–         Discuss management of acute laryngitis

–         Discuss clinical picture and management of chronic laryngitis

(vocal nodule, laryngeal polyp, leukoplakia, laryngoscleroma, TB , syphilis)

–         Differentiate between single and multiple laryngeal papilloma

–         List risk factors of cancer larynx

–         Discuss pathology of cancer larynx (gross and microscopic picture,

spread and prognosis)

–         Describe clinical picture of cancer larynx

–         Discuss management of cancer larynx

–         List causes of vocal cord paralysis

–         Describe clinical picture and positions of vocal cord paralysis

–         Outline management of vocal cord paralysis

–         List causes of laryngeal oedema

–         Discuss clinical picture and management of laryngeal oedema

–         List causes of laryngeal stenosis

–         Describe clinical picture and management of laryngeal stenosis

–         Define stridor

–         List causes of stridor

–         List causes of stridor in children

–         Discuss clinical picture of upper airway obstruction

–         Define hoarsness of voice

–         List causes of hoarsness of voice

–         Define tracheostomy

–         Discuss indications of tracheostomy

–         Describe technique of tracheostomy

–         Recognize types and  complications of tracheostomy

–         List indications of laryngoscopy

–         Define phonation, speech, language and discuss their defects

–         List midline neck swellings

–         List lateral neck swellings

–         Discuss clinical picture and management of common neck

swellings( thyroglossal cyst, branchial cyst, lymph node enlargement)

–         List types of goitre

–         Recognize causes of sialadenitis

–         Describe signs and symptoms of sialadenitis

–         Outline management of sialadenitis

–         List types of salivary gland tumours
